Calibrachoa Hanging Baskets

Calibrachoa Hanging Baskets


We will have hundreds, if not a thousand or more of these stunning baskets in this spring from April onward, available in store.

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We will have hundreds, if not a thousand or more of these stunning baskets in this spring from April onward.

They come in all sorts of beautiful mixed colour palettes, with prices starting at $39.99.

They are not available for pre-order at this time.

Please come in store for availability from mid April onward.

Coming Soon: Pre-Order 14" Shade Non-Stop Begonia Moss Hanging Basket IMG_1786.jpg
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Coming Soon: Pre-Order 14" Shade Non-Stop Begonia Moss Hanging Basket

Pre-order 14" Sweetheart - Full Sun Hanging Basket Sweetheart-HangingBasketVictoriaBC-PatioGardens-SummerFlowers.png

Pre-order 14" Sweetheart - Full Sun Hanging Basket

Pre-Order 12" Thunbergia Hanging Basket thunbergiaorangesummernights.jpg

Pre-Order 12" Thunbergia Hanging Basket

Pre-Order 14" Lavender Mist - Full Sun Fiber Hanging Basket 05A372A3-E52B-4E32-AFB1-29435437F1B1.jpeg

Pre-Order 14" Lavender Mist - Full Sun Fiber Hanging Basket

Pre-Order 14" Secret Garden - Part Shade Fiber Hanging Basket SummerNights-PatioGardens-PeachBegonia-Hanging Basket-VictoriaBC.PNG

Pre-Order 14" Secret Garden - Part Shade Fiber Hanging Basket
