Pre-Order 14" Sun Begonia Moss Hanging Basket

Pre-Order 14" Sun Begonia Moss Hanging Basket


Only a limited number is available for pre-order this year. Additional quantities of these stunning baskets will be released in April 2025 once crops have been confirmed.

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Gorgeous extra large Sun Begonia baskets - Yellow, Blood Red, Apricot and Dark Pink.

The Solenia Begonias can handle Sun and are prolific bloomers.

Full Sun (6 hours of sun a day or more - but does not perform their best in scorching hot afternoon sun)
Part Shade (6 hours of sun a day or less OR morning sun only)

Our Non-Stop Begonia Shade hanging baskets are not available for pre-order at this time.

Each hanging basket varies in overall appearance and may not be exactly as shown in this previous years’ photo.

This item is a pre-order for middle to end of May 2025 - we will notify you when your basket is ready for pick-up or delivery. Night time temperatures need to be consistently warm for us to send the baskets to their new homes and ensure they thrive.

Calibrachoa Hanging Baskets summer flowers, garden center, Victoria, Saanich BC, hanging basket
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Calibrachoa Hanging Baskets

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